No body can decline the effect of the
globalisation on the different sectors and different countries. The regional economies
have also been influenced by the punch of the globalisation and especially the
open economical situation. All the European and American industries are looking
for the Asian market such as of China and India for the market as well as cheap
labour. One of Lawyer for consumer court
has pointed out that the quality of the product due to outsourcing has been
compromised and the consumers are being harassed due to these. However, there
are few laws present in India to ensure the rights of the consumer. The primary
one is the Consumer protection Act 1986.
The Act ensures that the consumer must be
aware of the issues related to the quality, effectiveness, amount, purity, value
and the paradigm of the products or the services. The act ensures the right of
the consumer against any kind of unfair trade practicing. Even if the
organisation operates in a monopoly also still the rights of the consumers are
protected through the consumer’s right. Thus, the law keep the manufactures to
ensure the quality of the product before the government or the legal
institutions get involved in this.
Mostly the Consumer protection Act 1986, addresses the following issues:
v To protect the right of the consumers from all kind of perilous good
and services
v To be informed about the performance of the goods or the service
v To protect the right to choose freely
v To be get heard by the seller during the process of decision making
v To seek Redressal if the consumers’ right is infringed
v To have the proper consumer Education
It is the right of the consumer to remain
informed about the product or the services that he or she intends to buy. In
addition to the Consumer protection Act
1986, Weights, Standards &
Measures Act is also present which ensures that the customer must get the
product of the right weight and standard that is mentioned by the seller. It is
right of the customers that they can take the help of the lawyers in case they
feel that they are being cheated. In addition, the consumer must be aware of
the hazards that a product can cause to him or the family. At any condition,
the consumer cannot be forced to buy a product or service as the law protects
the right of choosing the product or the service freely.
It has been seen that the consumers are
largely denied of the rights that are reserved for them especially in the open
economies like India. Often the sellers exploit the buyers by taking unfair
trade practices as most of the buyers are not sincerely aware of the rights as
the consumer. Thus, it is important for the buyers also to know about the rights
that they have in relation with the buying and selling. There are several countries
where the degree of the fair practice of the consumer protection is regarded as
one of the parameter of the country’s progress. Even if the company is not
originated in India, still the consumer can file the case against the company
under the Consumer protection Act 1986.
Thus however, India is an open economy the laws are there to protect the rights
of the general consumers.
The consumer protection law in India is a
safeguard for the Indian citizens against any kind of false advertisements
shown by the advertising authorities. If it has been found that the
organisation has misled the people through the false information in their
advertisement, legal consequences can be happen due to that also under consumer
protection act. In order to defend the privileges of the consumers, Ministry of
consumer Affairs of Government of India has built-in the department of Consumer
affairs. The department redress the grievance of the people in three different
layers depending on the purchase value.
The main problem is not related regarding
the presence of law but about the implementation of the laws. Thus, it is
needed that the government must look into that the laws are implemented
successfully in order to protect the rights of the consumers. In case you are
facing any problem regarding a product or service you must go to the consumer
court to get the justice, as it is your right.
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