Being a parent is one of the most joyous moments for any
couple. However, there are nearly 15% of the couple in the world suffers from
childlessness. Adoption process one of the best way to become a parent.
However, there are lot of problem is associated with the child adoption in India.
The thought with a noble intention brings challenges with it also. If one is
planning to adopt a child without legal proceedings it is another mistake that
can bring other trouble to them. A renowned Child adoption lawyer in Kolkata mentioned that while one is
planning to go for a child adoption, they must be aware of the associated problems
with it. One thing all must know that there are near about 30% of orphan child
is there in the country but it is only less than 12% of them who are legally
free to be get adopted. Here few problems are being mentioned associated with
the child adoption.
Financial obligation:
The first and foremost problem with adoption process is the financial issue.
The parent intend to take adoption must be enough capable of upbringing the
child. They have to put a certificate of income in front of the adoption
agencies. Apart from that, if one intends to adopt from a private agency they
have to pay a lot more money in compare to the public or governmental agencies.
Apart from this there are some other costs that are also associated with the
adoption such as the fees of the lawyer and court processes.
Health Constraints:
health condition is one of the prime constraints behind adoption. In case of
close adoptions, to access the medical background of the child is nearly
impossible. Thus one has to based on the information provided by the adoption
agency. Where as in case it is an open adoption, it may possible that the
biological father is not present and thus to obtain a complete information
related to child is not possible either. However, this may lead to different
problems in future. If a child will have some serious health problem, the
adopted parents may have problem to find to relate with it. It may also happen
that due to work pressure the adopter parents may not be able to take proper
care of their child. However, the couples wish to adopt must also take the
information related to childbirth as it is their right also. Lack of such
information may later create problems for the adoptive parents.
Legal complications:
A lawyer in Kolkata has mentioned
that the adoption process is associated with variety of legal complications.
Mostly there are three laws in India present under which the adoption process
can take place. These are Hindu Adoption and
maintenance Act of 1956,
The Guardians and Wards Act of 1890
and The juvenile justice (Care and
Protection) Act of 2000, amended
in 2006. The legal adoption in India can only be happened under these processes.
There are other issues are also there especially in case of open adoptions.
Ethical issues: In case of adoption, there
are some ethical challenges that are generally faced by the adoptive parents.
Often the agency hide important information related to the child to the
adoptive parent, which in future can arise as challenge. There are lot of European
and other foreigners come to India for adopting a child. In these cases there
is a fear of trafficking is associated with it. Apart from that, couples face
problem related to social stigma.
Emotional and
Cultural issues: One must understand that there are lot of issues is
associated with the adoption on emotional and cultural side. One couple who are
intending to go for a adoption must be mentally strong enough to deal with the
different emotional and cultural issues. Sometimes it has been seen that couples
adopting a bigger child faced issues to have mental synchronization with them.
If the child adopted is from a different religion, it can create cultural
issues. Thus, one must be prepare to face such challenges also.
Therefore, here I
have mentioned some of the challenges that are generally faced by the adoptive
parents. It is always advisable that one must be prepare to face such issues
prior to the adoption process.