Thursday, 28 July 2016

4 Things to Understand Before You Are Taking House On Rent

In today’s world people has to travel to other cities or countries for working as well as for study purposes. People usually take houses or apartments on rents to stay there for the period. However, sometime people face different problems while staying at the rented house. Thus, it is always advisable to take the help of a lawyer before taking the house on rents. Here are certain things that you must check before you are going to take rent.
Cost of Rent: It is important to know that the cost that you have to pay as a rent. In addition, it is also necessary to know there are any veiled expenses that you need to pay or not. A property lawyer in Kolkata pointed out that it is necessary to mention all the costs and other payouts in the rental agreements. If you are not expert in these matters then you may take the help of the property related lawyers. You must also look into the matters that whatever the rents you are paying for the house, is that okay enough or not.
Bills: It is important too as well as unfortunate that when you are renting a house you have pay certain bills associated with it. The bills include gas, water, electricity etc. in addition you may have to pay the bills of the landline phone or broadband if you are using those. However, a real estate lawyer in Kolkata mentioned that certain times it has been seen that landlords or agents calculate the bills in the rent and still they are charging extra amount from the tenants. In order to avoid such scenarios and harassments it is important that you must sort out the issue in prior to take the rent. You can also take a help of the lawyers who have the expertise in this field.
Furnished flats: If you are renting a furnished flat then you must look into deeply regarding the conditions of those items. If you find that the items that the landlord is providing are not up to the condition then you can negotiate with the landlord regarding the cost of rent. If you not find yourself confident for bargain, you may take the help of the professional lawyers. They can easily solve the issues by their expertise.
Do Detail search: You do not have to be a detective for this but you have to understand that when you are renting a house or apartment you must think about these issues. You must check the details such as if there is any kind of leak in the ceiling or waters are coming off. All the windows and the doors are in the right condition or not. These are some little things but can have a serious impact while you are staying over there.
Here are certain things that one must consider while thinking of taking new home or apartment on rent. Apart from the other parts, one must look into the legal issues as it can have serious implication on the part of tenant. Thus, it is advisable that in case of taking an apartment on rent people must take the help of professional lawyers.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Why You Need a Lawyer during Buying Properties

I know what it feels like when you are buying a flat or house for your own especially for the first time. It gives you an ample pleasure. However, there are instances where people have faced a lot of trouble regarding legal issues while buying their properties. Though it sounds simple to pay the money and buy a property, but have my word it is not that simple process. There are several legal aspects, which you have to take care of while buying a property. Only a person with a proper legal expertise can understand those issues and it is impossible for a common person to have an immense knowledge regarding the little facts of real estate laws. Here in this post I will talk about why it is important to consult a real estate lawyer before buying a property.
The dealings, especially the court matters are complicated to navigate without having proper assistance. A real estate lawyer in Kolkata has mentioned that the lawyers usually handle the different legal aspects of property transferring which is very much difficult for the general people. They took the burden on their shoulder and the clients can rely on them regarding all the legal process. A renowned lawyer in Kolkata mentioned that clients usually pay less interest to hire a lawyer to save few bucks, but in future, this lack of interest made them fall in to trouble.
The lawyers monitor all the legal proceedings involved in property dealings in order to ensure that the rights of his client must be protected. The lawyer of the buyer’s side usually crosschecks the contract prepared for selling. In addition, he also checks the other important legal documents that are needed to avoid future problems. The lawyers usually check the title, ownership chain of the concerned property in order to identify any liens. However, a lawyer on the seller’s side also checks the title issues and clears any outstanding loan against the property. The lawyer also prepares the deal papers for the property.
It is possible that you are very well in negotiating on a face to face dealing but you may not be aware of the details of all the state or country law. It is possible that the house you are willing to buy might have some kind of disputes, but if you will hire a lawyer he can search all the details regarding the property and will give you a complete report that the property is okay for buying or not. The seller of the property might sell the property without informing the buyer that it is mortgaged somewhere. Only a proper real estate lawyer can help you in these matters.
The properties located in the different areas may require special paperwork for that in order to make the real estate transaction to be got properly done. If the party fails to produce the correct papers then the transaction of the property can be delayed as well as it may include the serious loss of money and filling fees. In order get the loan clearance from the banks, the client may also have the need for the clearance certificate from the lawyers.
The lawyers dealing in the real estate can also help the buyer or even the sellers from suffering any kind of financial losses during property transaction. If the selling deed does not have a clause for termination, relating to the failed inspection it might cost the buyer a lot of money if he cancels the deal of the property. If the documents produced for the loan have any kind of dispute, it can cost both the time and money for the client. A good lawyer always tries to protect the rights of his own clients and thus he will check the issues in detail written in the contract papers.
Therefore, it is understandable that it will be a wise decision to have a lawyer while you are going to buy or deal in any kind of property matters. It is important to select a lawyer who will protect your interest while dealing all the different matters. An experience lawyer can works for in order to protect your interest and make sure that the dealings will be done as per the rule of the local municipal and state regulations.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Is It The Man, Who Stands Always On The Wrong Side Of The Line?

Men always dominates women, it is a very common allegation against the Patriarchal society. But is it completely true? Are all the men who are accused of humiliating women guilty? Are the Indian laws becomes a weapon against the men? A good divorce lawyer in Kolkata has mentioned “we cannot completely deny that the laws are not misused. However, we try to stop the misuses”. In the post, we are going to discuss certain laws and their impact that are wrongfully used against men. 
There are three laws 498A, 304B of IPC and Domestic Violence Act 2005, which are primarily present India to protect the interest of the Indian married women. One of the major laws that are reported to be misused is 498A of IPC. This is an anti dowry law which is primarily came into effect to protect the women from the domestic violence. As per the law, if any wife lodges a complaint against her husband or in-laws then at once they will be arrested under non-bail able charges. However, nowadays the women for legal extortions from the in-laws are using this.
In a recent development, the supreme court of India has issued an order against the automatic arrest under 498A. There are many states, where the order has been circulated that in order to arrest a person under 498A the police must take permission from the DCP or equivalent ranked officer.  However, no one can guarantee that how much the rules will be followed. One of the best civil lawyer in Kolkata has mentioned that in case of violation of the judgment pronounced by Supreme Court, the victims are requested to file complaints against the police under 41 and 41a CrPC. As per the data of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) only 15% of the cases filed under 498A are being convicted. It proves that how the law is used like a weapon against the Indian men.
One of the experienced advocates of high court has mentioned that some of the judges also have a biased outlook and that reflects in their verdict too. However, they failed to see that the women are using the laws as a tool of extorting money from their husbands. In addition, it has been also seen that the wives are blackmailing the husbands on the ground that they will file case under 498A. The husbands in order to keep their prestige in the society tolerate these inhuman activities of their wives. A NGO activist has mentioned, “We appeal to these men to come out against the females who are misusing the law”.
It is not only in case of the married man, but also there are instances where the non-married men are harassed. It is commonly heard that male live-in partner leaves the female partner. In such cases, the female partner can go to the court against them, but in the opposite case, it is not the same. A man have the same feelings as like their woman counterpart but in case if a man will go to the police with a complaint against the partner’s brutality may be mental or physical they will not even bother to the cases. Why such disparity will be there in the judiciary? 
In addition to bring more shame to the misuse of the law, it has been seen that if the woman molests a man, nobody comes for a help. On the contrary, if a woman is a victim of such molestation, all the police, court and society stands with her. This is commendable, but the question is that in case of the man why it will not be the same. It has been seen that in the countries like US or UK or the others of Europe, the Indian laws related to the rape, sexual harassment at workplace or domestic violence are shifted towards women. 
The time has come where the laws should be based on the ranking of the crime but not on the gender of the criminal. On one side media, social activists are shouting for the equal treatment for genders, on the other hands the laws are made which are biased in nature. Thus it is needed that the change must come not only in the enforcement of the law but also in the though process of the people. If violence is committed against a person then the gender should not be the barrier for him to get the justice.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

7 Shocking Reasons People Want To Get Divorced For

In India, divorce has been increased in a rapid manner in the last few years. However, it is still a less in number than to international number. One of a very good divorce lawyer in Kolkata has pointed out that it very rare in India that a divorce case is went uncontested. The sole reason is that the alimony, which Court allows the wife around ten percentage of the spouse’s income. But in a country where less than a 4% people file income tax returns, it is very difficult to point out the alimony. Nevertheless, the question is that why the divorces are so often happening nowadays. Here I have pointed out 7 reasons that are coming as one of the biggest reasons of divorce in Kolkata.
Married for wrong reasons: According to one of the matrimonial lawyer in Kolkata, if you have married for money, then your marriage might be at a stake. It can lead you to a quick divorce. Therefore, it is important that you must marry for the right reason. It is important that a person must marry for love not for anything else.
Infidelity: A couple must have trust on each other as it creates the base for a steady relationship. It has been seen when one of the partner deceived to other, the relation is trembled. Thus, it is obvious that infidelity is one of the biggest reasons for the couples to get separated.  If there is no trust remains between the couple then it is better to get divorced and enjoy their own lives rather making the life miserable by staying with each other.
Communication Gap: Experts suggests that communication gap between the couples can also become a possible reason for the divorce. The lack of communication generates misunderstanding between them and they fail to express their feelings. Gradually it develops an ego within the couples that prevents them from being open up to each other. Later, even small issues usually come up as a big problem and take the relationship at a verge of an end.
Non-fulfilment of Expectation: It is important that the person must stay happy or else they try to change the environment to become happy. Sometimes the change in the environment creates problems, which later takes the shape of complaining, criticising, or even threatening. The foremost reason is that the non-fulfilment of the expectation from the partner that the couples have.
If the partner will not agreed to do the things that they want them to do, it creates problem between them. The problems can result in the shape of divorce.
Handling of Money: Mostly it has been seen that divorces are not filed due to the lack of money or finance. It mostly happens due to the lack of handling of the finances. The marriages are being collapsed due to the financial tensions. However, opposite attracts but in case of money, it may not be true. The unequal monetary status can also become an issue for the divorce. The conflict related to the financial issues can become a serious problem between the couples. Only divorce becomes the logical explanation of these conflicts.
Sexual Incompatibilities: To have a good sexual bonding can contribute a lot in the bonding of the marital life. Doctors and psychiatrists point out that physical intimacy can be a huge contributor in a successful marriage life. Coming close to one another can resolve the mental distance also between the couples. However, a renowned lawyer has pointed that dissatisfactory sexual life can lead to growing frustration and finally may result into divorce. Even incompatible sex life can lead to a divorce also.
Inter religion marriages: In recent years the number of inter religion marriages have grown a lot. This leads to create problems sometimes within the couples. The reason is that to change your life style according to complete new culture or religion may get very difficult at sometimes. However, at the time of courtship, they usually think that it will be not a difficult task to adjust but reality becomes contradictory. Thus, this kind of courtship needs a mutual understanding to resolve such conflicts.
Here, I have pointed out 7 shocking reasons that people want to get divorce for. It is generally considered as that the marriages are made in heaven but we must not for that, though it is made in heaven but it is us, who have live it on the earth with the partners. So before taking a call on your marriage, at least give a try to resolve the problems for once.